How to Use a Pulsa Sensor System

Best practices, tips & tricks, troubleshooting, and how to replace batteries

User Roles

Note: To make changes to user roles, the user creating the changes must be an administrator of a selected company.

  • On your Pulsa dashboard or iOS/Android app, navigate to the Companies tab. All company members will be listed on this page.
  • Select the user you would like to modify the role of.
  • From the drop-down list below "role" select the new role for the user:
    • Billing Admin: allows users to see and modify all sensor attributes that are shared with organizations. Admins can also add new users to the organization.
    • User Manager: this user will have full control over other users in this company including inviting and removing users, changing their roles, and forcibly subscribing or unsubscribing them to alerts. This user will also be able to see all non-billing details of items owned.
    • Editor: Can modify traits of sensors shared with the organization but cannot modify organization details (i.e. adding new users)
    • Viewer: Can only view sensors & add alerts
  • Users can also be removed in this same panel by selecting "Delete this user".
  • Click "Update user" to save changes. A successful update message will appear at the top of the screen to confirm changes.