Using Pulsa

Best practices, tips & tricks, troubleshooting, and how to replace batteries

Managing headspace sensors

Use Pulsa's headspace sensor to track changes in pressure. Monitor periods of building pressure, lost pressure, catch leaks and more.

Headspace sensors must be associated with a primary level sensor in order to display readings.

The headspace sensor can be used with the following level sensors:

  • Differential pressure sensor (DP15 and DP30)
  • Industrial scale (2x2 and 3x3)
  • Pulsa Link (all varieties)

Navigating headspace sensor options

  • To view your headspace sensors, navigate to the [Headspace] tab on your Pulsa dashboard. Tip: This is located under "More" if using the Pulsa app.


Changing headspace sensor settings


  • From your headspace page, select a sensor
  • Click the pencil icon to manage your headspace sensor
  • Click on the current sensor's name to edit
  • Update name and click "Rename sensor" to confirm changes


  • From your headspace page, select an unattached sensor
  • Click "Attach"
  • Select from list of available sensors and confirm changes by selecting "Attach headspace sensor"


  • From your headspace page, select an attached sensor
  • Click the pencil icon to manage your headspace sensor
  • Select "Detach from consumption sensor"
  • Click "Yes, I'm sure" to confirm changes