Confirm Messer integration is enabled for your organization
- Confirm Messer integration is enabled for your organization
- In the dashboard or app, navigate to "Companies". Select one company if member of multiple.
- Integrations will be listed at the bottom of the page.
NOTE: If integration is not listed, contact Pulsa support at (916) 579-7267 or support@pulsasensors.com
Contact Messer
- Contact Jean Bolcar and Jim Smith from Messer at jean.bolcar [AT] messer-us.com and jim.smith [AT] messer-us.com with the following information.
- Email Subject: NEW PULSA ACCOUNT for [Distributor Name]
- Please include:
- Customer name, city, and state:
- Product:
- Unit of measure (inches, pounds, or PSI):
- Tank size:
- Tank orientation:
- Tank dimensions if they are available:
- Jean or Jim will provide the Billing Account number and the channel numbers for each of the sensors identified.
Select Sensor
- Navigate to "Sensors" tab
- Select sensor to be connected to Messer integration from list of available sensors
NOTE: If sensor has not been initialized yet, please add it. See instructions here for differential pressure sensor setup.
Add integration
- Scroll down to the bottom of the sensor's details page to view "Integrations"
- Click "Add level sensor integration" or "Add headspace sensor integration"
Enter Messer billing account number
Enter in 7 digit Messer billing account number
Enter channel ID & enable integration
- Input the provided channel number in the channel number field
- Click on the "Enable integration" button at the bottom of the pop-up window
Confirm reading details
Confirm reading details over the next 24-48 hours in Messer's National Scheduling Center. The readings are synced between Pulsa and Messer every four hours, so the first readings should appear within four hours after enabling the integration.