Using Pulsa

Best practices, tips & tricks, troubleshooting, and how to replace batteries

Removing and replacing a sensor- Pressure V2

Follow the guide below to learn how to remove and replace a sensor that has been marked as eligible for an upgraded replacement

Information to know beforehand

  • Sensors eligible for replacement will be flagged in your dashboard
  • Any location that has a differential pressure sensor and an associated headspace sensor, will require both sensors be replaced.
  • Any replacements should be completed with V2 sensors ONLY. V2 can be identified using their taller black cap.
  • Any sensor not intended for replacement should be maintained with a new battery

Required information for sensor replacement:

Record the following details to copy over to your replacement sensor. Once the sensor replacement/ removal has been completed, original sensor details will become unavailable.

  • Original sensor name
  • Original sensor level and headspace alerts, as well as users subscribed to those alerts
  • (If applicable) organizations sensor may be shared with
  • (If applicable) details for sensor integration e.g. channel number, billing ID
  • (If applicable) adjustment factor

Add Replacement

Add V2 sensor to the dashboard by following the normal installation steps. If replacing a differential pressure sensor, ensure any associated headspace sensor is also replaced at this time.

Note: sensor names must be unique. If you'd like to keep the same naming structure of the original sensor, temporarily add "NEW" to the sensor name to complete setup. Once the original has been removed, the "NEW" can also be removed from the replacement sensor's name.

  • Confirm new sensor is connected and reading correctly before moving on to next step

Remove sensor marked for replacement

Now that your upgraded sensor has been setup, identify the sensor(s) to be replaced. Select from any flagged sensor in your Pulsa dashboard. Note: Any differential pressure sensor with an associated headspace will require BOTH sensors be replaced.

Select the sensor you wish to remove from your main sensor list

  • Once on the sensor details page, click complete replacement to finish sensor replacement
  • The sensor selected for replacement will be listed. Note, any attached headspace sensor will automatically be selected for replacement in this step
  • Sensor replacement is a permanent action. The sensor will be removed from your platform and all historical information will be lost. Please ensure any necessary details such as alerts, or shared access has been recorded, and copied over to your replacement sensor.
  • Click confirm to complete replacement
  • Original sensor will promptly be removed and user will be returned to main sensor list

If the replaced sensor qualifies for a credit, credit will be processed within a week of removal. Once the original sensor has been removed, sensor should be disposed of.

For any questions, or concerns, call or email Pulsa support at (916) 579-7267/