How to Use a Pulsa Sensor System

Best practices, tips & tricks, troubleshooting, and how to replace batteries

Cell And Solar Gateway Troubleshooting

Troubleshooting cellular gateway

Not receiving readings

Gateway installation location is the most common cause of performance issues.

For best performance, install the gateway as close to the sensor/s as possible and with line of sight if possible. The Pulsa gateway communicates via two wireless protocols: 1) 2.4 Ghz from sensor to gateway, 2) Cellular network from gateway to Pulsa.

Sensor to gateway performance:

Sensor to gateway communication accounts for 99% of performance issues. 2.4Ghz is the same frequency as WiFi, so you can expect sensor performance that is similar to a WiFi router in terms of distance from router and quality of data transfer. With line of sight, the distance from a Pulsa gateway to a Pulsa sensor can be up to 350ft. Barriers between the gateway and sensor/s will reduce performance. The following conditions can significantly reduce sensor reception performance: thick masonry walls, metal walls (light gauge steel building walls are generally ok), sensor and gateway on direct opposite sides of bulk tank.

Gateway to internet performance:

Rarely is the cellular network the cause of performance degradation.

You do not have to choose a cellular network before you deploy the Pulsa gateway. As a standard feature, once the Pulsa gateway is powered on, it will search for all available cellular networks, test signal strengths and connect to the best network. In North America, the Pulsa gateway can use Verizon, AT&T, T-Mobile, Sprint, Rogers, Indigo, Limitless, Bell, NE Colorado and Movistar networks. In the rest of the world, if there is network coverage at an install point, the Pulsa gateway will likely be able to connect.

To check the last time your gateway has seen your sensor(s), select chosen sensor and last seen moment will be available near top right corner. If using headspace sensor with your bulk sensor, the headspace sensor's last seen moment will be available directly below the sensor's.

Please note: If your gateway is powered, connected to a cellular network and in range of sensors, but is unable to connect to your sensors or transmits inaccurate measures, contact Pulsa Support at (916) 579-7267 or for further assistance.

Troubleshooting solar powered gateway

If your solar gateway is not charging fully:

First check to see if battery is properly plugged in.

The issue may be in the placement of the solar gateway. Install with solar panel facing true south, and mount at head level or higher to ensure sensor is receiving an adequate amount of light. 3-4 hours of good sunlight should be able to power the gateway for seven days.

The gateway may also be switched to a different mode to allow it to shut off at night to conserve more energy and preserve battery life even further.

Missed or infrequent readings

The Pulsa gateway transmits all measurements received every 3 minutes, if you are receiving less or infrequent readings, perhaps gateway/ sensor placement may be an issue. Ensure gateway is within line of sight of sensors if possible. Avoiding masonry or thick metal walls between gateway and sensor will also insure best communication and performance.